School Fees

Prices as of 1/1 2022

Fees include our annual School Camp and organic fruit

11 installments (July is free)1st child2nd child3rd child

4th child

0th to 6th grade1.670,-1370,-170,-170,-

7th to 9th grade


10th grade (as of 1/8 2022)

 2250,-1840,-  630,-0,- 

Please note: For 10th grade there is a 5.000kr start-up fee

How to Pay

Via PBS or account transfer. Payment is split into 11 installments, to be paid on the 1st of each month. A giro will be sent via PBS.

Terms of Payment

Payments to be made no later than the 1st working day of the current month. Payment changes for the individual family, e.g. payment for post-school care & leisure facilities, voluntary music and the like, will be regulated in the following quarter. In the event of arrears, the school will send a new invoice with the addition of interest and administration fees.

Administration Fees

It costs 500kr to be signed up for 0th grade. After 0th grade it is free to be put on the waiting list, but the administration fee will be charged once a place has been offered by the school.


Rebates for siblings are given to step-siblings with at least one common parent and the same civil registry address.


Before enrollment you and your child are invited to an interview with the school leadership. The purpose of this is to discuss each others expectations. It is important that you, as parents, can vouch for the values, views, traditions and teaching methods of Forberedelsesskolen. You will then be notified whether or not the school can offer your child a place. Each year students are enrolled with 0th grade, 7th grade and 10th grade. For enrollment with 0th and 7th grade, an advance payment of 2 months school fees are required. For 10th grade an advance payment of 5.000kr is required. There is no refund upon cancellation.



From 5th grade all pupils must bring a computer to class. The school has an Office365 subscription, from which the pupils can download and use.

All pupils are asked to bring headphones. From 0th to 4th grade these must have a connection cord.

Post-school care program

Our post-school care & leisure facilities are for 0th to 3rd grade pupils. Price (for 1 to 30 hours a week): 1200kr per month per child.

Pre-school – no pre-school in 2022

Pre-school and post-school 1/4 – 30/6 (2015): 1650kr


To withdraw your child from the school there is a 1 month termination notice (no later than the last weekday of each month). At the end of the school year, this is the last weekday in May.

Withdrawal from Post-school care & leisure program

To withdraw your child from the post-school care & leisure program there is a 1 month termination notice (no later than the last weekday of each month).

Opening Hours

Our post-school care & leisure facilities are open on all school days from 6.30-8.00 (Mon-Fri), 12.30-17.00 (Mon-Thurs) and 12.30-16.00 (Fri).

Talent Camp

There is a fee per talent camp of 1100kr (2020). Participation in these camps are for chosen talent students only.