Morning Songs, Fruit, Reading

Some unique features of Forberedelsesskolen are the joint morning songs on Fridays, and  joint reading sessions which occur on a daily basis.


Reading is an important part of acquiring new skills and new knowledge. Reading out loud is used to increase desire, comfortableness, and reading pace. Focus is put on reading – including academically – in all subjects. Reading out loud provides a framework in which you can immerse yourself.


An important pillar of Forberedelsesskolen is music. That’s why we have joint morning songs every Friday where we sing songs both old and new, and pupils can also perform for one another. The whole school gathers in the gym for a shared experience which strengthens unity amongst those gathered there.


Organic Fruit Scheme


The school has introduced an organic fruit scheme for all pupils as part of the school’s health policy. The fruit is eaten in the first lesson or in the following break-time. By sharing a fruit basket in the class, many children wish to try the available fruit even if it is something new to them. The fruit comes from Slotsgartneren and varies from day to day; it’s always exciting each day to see what the basket contains.


Socialising with classmates is of great importance for children, and eating together is an integral part of this. The organic fruit scheme contributes to the betterment of the class culture, togetherness, well-being and learning environment.